Sunday, February 19, 2012

Well, I'm all for learning something new and this week's adventure is learning how to blog. For a while now, I have been wanting to have an avenue for expressing some of my "notions". Facebook is OK for some quick, hopefully witty updates, but falls short of being a place to rattle on and on as I tend to do sometimes. I used to be a newspaper editor and had to churn out a weekly personal column. At first, it was difficult to do. After a while though, I loved it. Plus, I tended to receive a lot of positive feedback from my readers. Let's see if I can translate this into a weekly blog.

I have recently discovered Pinterest and I think I have overloading on information. There are so many great ideas and inspiring posts on there. Wow! When will I find the time to try them all. So expect some flashes of activity born from that neighborhood.

I also recently received a Kindle for Christmas and have become privy to some great sites to fulfill all my wishes for FREE books to download. Right now I have about 200 books downloaded and cannot prevent myself from searching these pages each day and just adding to that stack. Again, where will I find the time to read all these books. But hey, they are there for me when I do.

This is a start. I will come back later after I have worked on the design for a bit. Until then, happy blogging.